Lawrence Rubin on Islam and Ideational Balancing

Posted December 11, 2016

External Article: Research On Religion

Lawrence Rubin, associate professor in the Ivan Allen College Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, was interviewed in “Lawrence Rubin on Islam and Ideational Balancing,” an episode of the Research On Religion podcast.


Can the ideas proposed by one nation-state threaten another nation-state?  If so, how do the threatened nations respond?  We probe these questions with respect to Islam and the two Islamic political revolutions in Iran (1979) and Sudan (1989) with Prof. Lawrence Rubin, an associate professor of political science in Georgia Tech’s Sam Nunn School of International Affairs.  Prof. Rubin reminisces about how he came to study the role of ideas in foreign policy, and then reviews the two dominant schools of thought in international relations theory — realism and constructivism.

For the full article, read here.

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Assistant Professor Lawrence Rubin