Cloning for Medicine: The Miracle that Wasn't

Posted July 4, 2016

External Article: Agence France Presse

Aaron D. Levine, associate professor in the School of Public Policy, was quoted in the or Agence France Presse article “Cloning for Medicine: The Miracle that Wasn't.” The article was republished online in several sources including Yahoo! NewsJapantoday, and The Economic Times.

Excerpt from Yahoo! News:

Aaron Levine, a bioethicist at Georgia Tech, said cloning's biggest impact on human health is likely to come from animals raised to produce organs, tissue or biological drugs that will not be rejected by the human immune system.

“I think human cloning will disappear,” he said.

“I think there's just not ultimately enough demand, not enough that you can do through cloning that you can't do through other things.”

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Aaron Levine