Why the World Can't Quit Dots, the Brilliantly Designed Non-Game

Posted September 21, 2016

External Article: Wired

Ian Bogost, professor in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication, was quoted in "Why the World Can't Quit Dots, the Brilliantly Designed Non-Game" by Wired.


Although the game is three years old, it remains popular and has of late appeared in everything from magazines to promotional videos to fashion shows. That’s because Dots,the game and the eponymously named studio that created it, has from the start embraced a design ethos that lends itself to the artistically inclined.

“Playing Dots is like being in the cool lobby bar at the right boutique hotel, while playing Candy Crush is decidedly not like that,” says Ian Bogost, game designer and author of Play Anything. The company is capitalizing on that perception with strategic marketing to establish its reputation as a “game for non-gamers,” and make more games like that.

For the full article, read here.