2017's Greenest States

Posted April 18, 2017

External Article: WalletHub

Valerie Thomas, Anderson Interface Professor of Natural Systems in the Ivan Allen College School of Public Policy, was quoted in “2017's Greenest States” by WalletHub.


Eco-friendliness and personal finance are essentially cousins. Not only are our environmental and financial necessities aligned — providing ourselves with sustainable, clean drinking water and nutritious sustenance, for example — but we also spend money on both the household and government levels in support of environmental security.

Then there’s climate change. We’ve already seen a rise in powerful land-bearing storm systems and extreme droughts. But that’s just the beginning, as storm surges and other bad weather are expected to cause more than $500 billion in property damage by the year 2100. Climate change will also have a direct impact on our military industrial complex, as nearly all of our East Coast air and naval installations are vulnerable to sea-level rise.

For the full article, read here.

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