Experts Call for Greater Scrutiny of Egg Donation Practices

Posted August 14, 2015

External Article: Ob.Gyn. News

Aaron Levine, associate professor in the School of Public Policy, was quoted in an article by Ob.Gyn. News about egg donation practices.

From the article:

One low-cost step to better inform a woman’s choice to donate would be to make complication rates publicly available along with the federally regulated annual success rates reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Aaron Levine, Ph.D., one of the report authors and an associate professor of public policy at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.

“Sure, the clinics can complain it will require a little more paperwork and so on, but they should be tracking this already and if they’re not, a little nudge to track it better would be beneficial, in my view,” Dr. Levine said.

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