Ries Tapped for New State Tax Policy Advisory Groups

Posted January 26, 2016

Economics Professor Christine Ries is an invited member of two new advisory task forces convened in January by the Georgia Department of Revenue – the Industry Partners Advisory Group and the Tax Preparers Advisory Group. 

These advisory groups will operate as an interface for communication between the DOR and industrial taxpayers and the tax preparation industry. They will assist the DOR commissioner in identifying tax issues that should be proposed to legislators for policy action. They will also facilitate communication about proposed or new legislation between the industrial and service communities, the DOR, and the legislature.

The groups include experts from the industries and other stakeholders together with key DOR executives and team leaders. Ries’ expertise encompasses research in economic impact analysis, tax analysis and tax reform, education reform, and economic development.  Previously, in 2011, she served on the Special Council on Tax Reform and Fairness for Georgians under the law of the Georgia General Assembly.

“I will bring to this work my passion for applying scientific expertise in economics to the economic development challenges facing the State of Georgia,” said Ries.

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Contact For More Information

Rebecca Keane
Director of Communications