Climate Change Will Always Hurt Poor People the Most

Posted October 11, 2017

External Article: Gizmodo

Marilyn Brown, professor in the School of Public Policy at Georgia Institute of Technology, was quoted in the Gizmodo, October 11, article “Climate Change Will Always Hurt Poor People the Most.” The School of Public Policy is part of the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts.


Two to three times a year, heavy rain and backed-up raw sewage flood a block of Peoplestown, Atlanta. Stormwater collects on the highly-impervious concrete buildup of the intersecting interstates 20 and 75/85 just north and flows downhill where it pools on the residential street. Enough rain can bring foul odors and brown-colored water. Promises to update the city’s sewers came and went with the 1996 Olympics, but failed to fix all of the problems in this low-lying, low-income neighborhood… Low-income families typically live in poorly-insulated homes, in neighborhoods with old, inefficient air conditioners — so they need to draw more power to remain healthy, comfortable and productive, said Marilyn Brown, professor in the School of Public Policy at Georgia Tech and co-recipient of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for co-authoring the IPCC Report on Mitigation of Climate Change. “They also often rent and don’t have control over their utility bills,” she said.

To read the full article, visit the Gizmodo website.

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