Zero Mile – From Nothing to Something

Posted September 27, 2017

External Article: The Atlanta Loop

Nick Tippens, a Digital Media master’s student in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication, and Ali Yildirim, a History, Technology, and Society major in the School of History and Sociology at the Georgia Institute of Technology, were the subject of the Atlanta Loop September 27 article “Zero Mile – From Nothing to Something.” The School of Literature, Media, and Communication, and the School of History and Sociology are units of the Georgia Tech Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts.


“Came From Nothing: The Story of Benjamin ‘Big Mouth Ben’ Graham” started as a classroom project, but it turned into something much more.

I sat down with Nick Tippens, a Digital Media master’s student, and Ali Yildirim, a History, Technology, and Society major to discuss their film, Atlanta, music, the unique paths to friendship.

Yildirim grew up just north of Atlanta in a suburban house filled with classical music. He liked rap.

Tippens was from even further out in Winder, Ga. Though perceived as homogenous, rural areas have their own rhythm.

“It’s a weird mix. Chicken farmers, black people, Hispanics, racial tolerance,” he says. The neighborhood was integrated. The kids in his high school lived in the same neighborhoods. Towns like Winder sometimes end up being less segregated than the larger urban areas because there is less self-segregation, especially in blue collar neighborhoods.

To read the full article “Zero Mile – From Nothing to Something” visit the Atlanta Loop website.


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