Why Donald Trump's New Space Force Can't Hurt China Like Star Wars Hurt the Soviet Union

Posted October 4, 2018

External Article: South China Morning Post

Margaret Kosal, professor in the Georgia Institute of Technology Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, was recently quoted in an article published in the South China Morning Post entitled "Why Donald Trump's New Space Force Can't Hurt China Like Star Wars Hurt the Soviet Union."

Here's an excerpt:

Margaret Kosal, associated professor at Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at Georgia Institute of Technology in the US, said that unlike the neck-and-neck competition between Washington and Moscow during the cold war, the US remains the leader in space, while China is quickly catching up.

She said Beijing’s 2007 destruction of one of its weather satellites had created a harmful cloud of debris in orbit around the Earth, exposing how far China still trails the US in space exploration technology.

The Sam Nunn School of International Affairs is a unit of the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts. 

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Margaret Kosal, associate professor in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs