Video Games Remind Us That Not Everything in Life Has a Computable Answer

Posted October 31, 2018

External Article: Quartz

Ian Bogost, a professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology School of Literature, Media, and Communication, recently wrote an article entitled “Video games remind us that not everything in life has a computable answer” for the website Quartz. 

Here's an excerpt:

A dozen years ago—before iPhones, before Twitter, when Facebook was still available only in colleges—the media theorist McKenzie Wark predicted that real life would become infected by the numerical obsession of games. “Games are no longer a pastime, outside or alongside of life,” Wark wrote. “They are now the very form of life, and death, and time, itself.” He called the result “gamespace”—a cultural ideal where all meaning is turned into measurable numbers, against which performance can be judged.

Read the full story here.

The School of Literature, Media, and Communication is a unit of the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts. 

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