As Satellite Tech Gets Easier, Who Makes Sure It's Safe?

Posted October 4, 2019

External Article: PC Magazine

Mariel Borowitz, an assistant professor in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, was quoted in "As Satellite Tech Gets Easier, Who Makes Sure It's Safe?" by PC Magazine

Read an excerpt:

 'There is some language in the national space policy that makes it clear that our space assets are critical to our national security, so essentially an attack on a space asset would be seen as a very serious action, if not an act of war,' says Borowitz, an assistant professor for the School of International Affairs at the Georgia Institute of Technology. 'That said, there isn't a very clear statement in terms of exactly what the United States would do, and that's probably because there isn't really agreement among major decision makers.'

Find the article on the PC Magazine website.

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