China and Russia’s push to develop hypersonic weapons raises fears of arms race with US

Posted January 21, 2020

External Article: South China Morning Post

Margaret E. Kosal, an associate professor in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, was cited in the South China Morning Post article, "China and Russia’s push to develop hypersonic weapons raises fears of arms race with US."

Read an excerpt:

Despite the accelerating arms race, Margaret Kosal, an associate professor at the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at Georgia Institute of Technology in the US, said the hypersonic technology would not be a game changer because evidence suggested the technology would not replace nuclear weapons as the most effective strategic deterrence tool.

“Hypersonic missiles will not cause deterrence among superpowers, great powers, or rising powers, [even though the weapons] might affect aspects of the deterrence calculus and might affect choices in command and control,” she said.

Find the article on the South China Morning Post site. 

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